A shift in priorities

Hey guys, I know it’s been a really long time since I last wrote a post. Two months in fact. It’s not for lack of wanting to, I’ve just had no clue what to write about. Which is crazy because there is so much going on in my life right now.

But I think that’s the problem. There is so much going on in my life, I am mentally drained when I go to sit down and try to write for my blog. I always wanted to write off the cuff, on real stuff that was happening for me at the time, feelings that I was going through right then and there. I wasn’t so much of a themed or planned blogger (I did try sometimes though!), my writing flowed more authentically when I just wrote.

I realised recently that I’m doing you all a bit of a disservice, by not keeping up with the blog. Although if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you’ll at least be keeping up to date with what I’m doing on regular basis.  Continue reading “A shift in priorities”

Did the Neighbours Hear That?

Do you ever stop and think, while you’re standing their yelling at your kids to stop slamming the door for the hundredth time in a row, shit – did the neighbours hear that? Or when your two toddlers are having simultaneous meltdowns, attempting to scream louder than the other, do you wonder what the neighbours must be thinking? It’s never really be on my mind, but today… If ever there was a day the neighbours would hear, it would be today. There was yelling, screaming, crying, slamming, throwing, pushing… You name it – it was happening at my house. Let me explain. Continue reading “Did the Neighbours Hear That?”

Goals, Resolutions, Plans for 2017

Phew it’s been a while! I’m a firm believer in not forcing myself to write blog post, so sorry guys if there’s massive gaps between posts. I like to write when I truly feel like writing. And this is one of those times.

For the past few years now I’ve decided against new year resolutions, mainly because I feel if I want to make a change in my life, why not just start any day of the week/year. And that’s exactly what I do.  Continue reading “Goals, Resolutions, Plans for 2017”

Give me More Time + Jord Wood Watch Competition!

Make sure you read all the way to the bottom for your chance to win in my Jord Wood Watch competition!

Seriously – there is never enough hours in the day. When I was a student, there was never enough hours because I was always trying to finish an assignment (whilst working full-time). When I was pregnant there wasn’t enough time because nine months zoomed past faster than I could organise a baby’s bedroom. When I gave birth to Maia, there wasn’t enough time to get to the hospital, hence her birth happening in my parents hallway! (You can read all about THAT story here) Continue reading “Give me More Time + Jord Wood Watch Competition!”

Why we’re not doing Halloween

I’m going to go against the grain tonight… and maybe you’ll think I’m a bit of a party pooper, but this is how I roll. It’s a week til Halloween, and I don’t plan to tell my children about it. Continue reading “Why we’re not doing Halloween”

The Terror of Febrile Convulsions

When Amelia was 15 months old, we moved house. She was still getting used to the new house, so occasionally she would fall asleep on our bed if we were beyond tired of trying to get her to stay in bed. On one particular night, she had gone to sleep on our bed, and exhausted, we had fallen asleep next to her. She’s a deep sleeper, once she’s asleep it takes a bit to wake her (which I’m thankful for now that she is sharing a room with her sister!).

At just past midnight, we awoke to our wee girl rigid and shaking. Her face full of fear and I felt sick to my stomach. I was terrified. Continue reading “The Terror of Febrile Convulsions”

To the First-Time Mum Heading Back to Work

When I was pregnant with Amelia, the day I went on maternity leave was the day I started counting down how many days at home I had left. I couldn’t help it. She was just over a week past her due date, and that whole week I was thinking about how I was missing out on one week of time at home with my baby. If someone had reminded me just to enjoy the moment I’m in, maybe there might have been a few less tears. Scratch that – I doubt anything could have stopped the tears.

Continue reading “To the First-Time Mum Heading Back to Work”