Playground Review – Te Kowhai Village Green

I thought I’d put together some reviews of local playgrounds in the Waikato,  because if you’re anything like me as a parent, some days you just need to get out of the house. We have a cafe 2 minutes walk from our house which has an awesome playground, but sometimes, I just like to go somewhere we can take a little picnic, and not need to spend any money. There are some AWESOME playgrounds are nowadays, with everything from themed play areas, to water play, abstract play equipment, flying foxes and bike tracks.

Now to the review of Te Kowhai Village Green.

Firstly, I’m pretty sure only people who live nearby know about this hidden gem, which is either a shame because more people can’t enjoy it, or it’s tactful of this little community, because they get to keep this awesome playground to themselves! It’s just a great destination playground in a little rural area. It’s super clean and no broken bits. It is also brand new (which accounts for the super clean and no broken bits part), upgraded in the last few months which is great for the Te Kowhai community.

Things parents care about:

– It has off-road parking. Perfect for getting the kids out of the car without worrying about traffic, and a nice big carpark, so no stress of there being limited parks available. One of my pet peeves is worrying about whether I will actually be able to find a park when I’ve promised the kids we are going somewhere.

– There is shade! A big lovely tree covers the seesaw and an area on one corner, a great place to sit and eat, or for teeny little ones to lie while older siblings play. I am always on the lookout for shaded playgrounds in the summer, it’s definitely high on my priority list.

– No toilets is a bummer, but nature wees is always an option. Or if there are toilets, I definitely didn’t see them.

– There’s a big massive field to run around on as well, suits families of all sizes! Your older kids can pop down and practice their kicks, while the little ones are safe and happy at the playground.

– It’s away from the main road. The carpark is down a drive, and the field seperates the playground and the road, so you’ve got a bit of space before your child ends up on the road if you happen to have a runner.

Things kids care about:

– So many options! Different slides, swings for all, climbing frames and walls. It’s a really modern playground, but not too abstract. I have always really liked slides that have stairs to walk up too, so even the littlest walkers can get up to the slides.

– Swings for all sized kiddies get two thumbs up from the girls. They particularly like the round one they can sit on together.

– My four-year old tells me the slides are definitely the best part there.

Because we live only a 5 minute drive away, we will definitely be making a regular visit to this playground. Would love to hear your thoughts below if you make it out to visit.

Location: Willowbrook Park/Te Kowhai Village Green | Horotiu Road | Te Kowhai

Te Kowhai Village Green Playground

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